Singleton Pattern   «Prev 

Considerations for Designing Singleton in C++ Programming Language

In the context of C++ programming, the Singleton design pattern is a powerful tool for ensuring that a class has only one instance and providing a global point of access to it. However, implementing Singleton in C++ comes with its own set of challenges and considerations, distinct from other programming languages like Java. Below are key aspects that must be meticulously considered when designing a Singleton in C++.

Thread Safety

  1. Mutex Locks: Utilize mutex locks to ensure that the `getInstance()` method is thread-safe. This is crucial in a multi-threaded environment to prevent multiple instances from being created.
    #include <mutex>
    std::mutex mtx;
  2. Double-Checked Locking: For performance optimization, you can use double-checked locking inside the `getInstance()` method. However, be cautious as this technique has its pitfalls and may not be portable across all compilers and architectures.

Lazy Initialization and Eager Initialization

  1. Lazy Initialization: This technique defers the creation of the Singleton instance until it is needed. This is useful for resource-intensive objects.
        Singleton* Singleton::getInstance() {
            if (instance == nullptr) {
                instance = new Singleton();
            return instance;
  2. Eager Initialization: In this approach, the Singleton instance is created at the time of program startup. This ensures that the instance is created before any thread accesses the `getInstance()` method, simplifying the thread-safety model.
    Singleton* Singleton::instance = new Singleton();

Destructor and Resource Management

  1. Destructor: Make the destructor private or protected to prevent external entities from deleting the Singleton instance, thereby violating the Singleton contract.
  2. Resource Release: Implement a public method for releasing resources if necessary. This method should be designed carefully to ensure it does not violate the Singleton contract.

Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator

  1. Delete Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator: To prevent copying of the Singleton instance, delete the copy constructor and the assignment operator explicitly.
        Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;
        Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete;

Static Local Variables

  1. Meyers' Singleton: This is a widely-used Singleton implementation in C++ that leverages the power of static local variables. It takes advantage of the language's guarantee that local static variables are initialized in a thread-safe manner.
      Singleton& Singleton::getInstance() {
            static Singleton instance;
            return instance;


  1. Compiler and Platform Differences: Be aware that the behavior of static variables and thread safety can differ between compilers and platforms. Always test your Singleton implementation rigorously on all target platforms.

Dependency Injection

  1. Flexibility: If your Singleton class has dependencies, consider using dependency injection to make the class more testable and flexible.
    By taking these considerations into account, you can design a robust, thread-safe, and efficient Singleton class in C++. The Singleton pattern is a powerful design tool, but it comes with its own set of complexities in C++. Therefore, it is imperative to understand these nuances to implement it effectively.

C++ implementation of the Singleton

The C++ implementation is quite similar.
class Singleton {  
   static Singleton* theInstance;  
   static Singleton* getInstance(){
     if (theInstance == 0 ) {    
       theInstance = new Singleton();  
     return theInstance;

Singleton* Singleton::theInstance = 0;

The C++ implementation is very similar to the Java implementation. The major non-syntactic difference is that the C++ leaves initialization to the first invocation of getInstance(). This is because, in C++ static initializers are less reliable than in Java.
Most patterns need to shift and bend a little when translated into different languages. Indeed, the consequences and even motivation for a pattern can vary greatly between languages. Sometimes a pattern that's important in C++ is completely unneeded in Smalltalk or Java or vice versa. The Singleton() constructor is declared protected so that subclasses can be created. The constructor takes no arguments and does not actually do anything, so you might be inclined to leave it out. However, the default noargs constructor the compiler would insert is public.
The getInstance() method has to be static to avoid a chicken and an egg problem. If it were not static, you could not invoke it unless you had an instance of the class. But you can't get an instance of the class without invoking the method.
Using a static method neatly solves this problem.